πŸŽ† Coming Soon πŸŽ†

Maps of the sea made at sea

My homebase is a sailboat. I recently made landfall after a year cruising the North-East Pacific so these maps have been painstakingly (sometimes nauseatingly) crafted when the seastate is calm enough for me to do design work. Β 

I've launched this shop with three maps of my home waters, but more will get made as I find time between boat projects and salty adventures.

Learn more about me

Coming Soon...a map of a desert next to a deep (phthalo?) blue sea

  • Map of British Columbia

    With over 16 000 nautical miles of coastline, there is a lifetime worth of adventure, wildlife, and landscapes to be found along the BC coast.

    See the map 
  • Map of Haida Gwaii

    Not the easiest place to get to, but everything between the three corners of Haida Gwaii (Cape St. James, Langara Island, and Rose Spit) is worth seeing.

    See the map 
  • Map of Vancouver Island

    Explore rugged coastlines, big beaches, interesting communities...whatever you want can be found on the largest island on the west coast of North America

    See the map